For the first time in the history of Star Information Systems, we have the pleasure to invite customers to a Star User Conference in the Far East. If your company has operations in the Asia/Pacific market we hope you have the time and opportunity to join us. We will update you on new products and functionality that will be useful for you and your company. And we – and fellow Star users – are eager to hear about your experience with Star software and your ideas for future product developments.
Ever since Star Information Systems was established more than two decades ago, we have organized regular user conferences to present product news, take sneak peeks at future releases, discuss product improvements and, last but not least, provide users with the opportunity to come together and share tips and experiences.
We are continuously developing and improving our product portfolio as well as working on new products to meet requirements for tomorrow’s maritime software. At the conference you will have the opportunity to influence the functionality and user interface of our software.