Join our Digital Ship Webinar: Coordinating with Service Providers for Ship Maintenance.
14. June 2022 | 10:00 AM (CMT+1) | 5:00 PM (GMT+8)
In this Digital Ship Webinar, Star Information Systems will explore how digital technology can support all this complex planning – including by supporting ‘what if’ analysis, simulation of maintenance work, and logistics planning.
Equipment on board ships is becoming more and more complex. This means that certain maintenance tasks, such as tasks with engines, scrubbers, ballast water systems, generators, inspection systems, electronics/control systems, and additional propulsion systems, require specialist technicians with knowledge beyond that of crew members.
Consequently, maintenance needs to be done either during a port call or when the specialist technicians sail on a ship from one port to another. There can be uncertainties about when exactly a vessel will arrive and leave a port, which creates additional complexity when we are often paying high daily rates for maintenance technicians.
Future fleet maintenance will require new software systems to plan and coordinate the hectic port stay activity, where the coordination and logistics for the supplies, service team, and ship manager representatives are essential.
Watch the recorded Webinar: Coordinating with Service Providers for Ship Maintenance.